
Andrea Klunder

I'm a Podcast Strategist, Producer, & Teaching Artist helping leaders curate brand story and reputation through educational, entertaining podcasts. Through my agency, The Creative Impostor Studios, we provide strategic consulting, story & host coaching, full service production and editing services, and new podcast development. Our specialty is working with organizations in arts & culture, education, and social entrepreneurship. We want to help you make a podcast that matters!

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Eek! Podcasting Doesn't Work!

Podcasting Doesn't Work! (And here are a few reasons why according to the research.) Listen to the latest Podcast Envy now! Go to the full show notes... Now, before you throw up your hands and click to the next thing in your feed, before you swipe on by, before you get defensive… let me tell you how I’ve come to this conclusion. I’ve been in this space as a podcaster since I created my first show, The Creative Impostor in 2015. I’ve become a launch consultant and editor for small business...

Hey... What are you doing with that podcast? Listen to Podcast Envy now! Limited Time! Let me help you align your podcast with your New Year vision If you have actively decided to make changes with your podcast, or if you are feeling stagnant and stuck, and thinking you need to change something, but don't know what that is, this is for you. Book your session This session is designed to help you focus in on ONE game changing area of your current podcast or podcast-to-be in order to align your...

Your Green Light to Make a Change for Your Podcast Listen to Podcast Envy now! Photo credit: Kevin Lange I don't want to offer you another recap roundup or year in review episode. The other thing I'm not offering you is a “new year, new you” episode. But I DID want to come on here and have a podcast conversation with you because things are changing. And I'm actually pretty excited for 2024! When you started your podcast, you had an idea in mind, probably, of what you wanted to offer to your...

How To Create A Safe Space For Vulnerable Podcast Interviews Listen to Podcast Envy now! Welcome to a crossover episode of a different sort. But first: How are you doing? No, really? I ask because we're winding down Mental Health Awareness Month (did you know that's May?). So many of us, myself included, struggle to articulate how “off” we feel right now, a cruel joke given that the good folks and orgs behind this month’s observance urge us to check in with our emotional, psychological, and...

How To Be An Awesome Podcast Host Featuring Karen Yates, Wild & Sublime Listen to Podcast Envy now! Psst. Want to know the secret to becoming a better podcast host? It’s not your equipment. Relationships are everything. Research indicates that while folks may listen to podcasts for entertainment and information, they remain loyal to a specific show because of its host. Karen Yates is definitely that host. She’s a producer, host, and the mastermind behind Wild & Sublime, the super-successful,...